
The Server configuration is managed via empire/server/config.yaml.

Once launched, Empire checks for user write permissions on paths specified in config.yaml. If the current user does not have write permissions on these paths, ~/.empire will be set as fallback parent directory and the configuration file will be updated as well.

  • suppress-self-cert-warning - Suppress the http warnings when launching an Empire instance that uses a self-signed cert.

  • api - Configure the RESTful API. This includes the port to run the API on, as well as the path for the SSL certificates. If empire-priv.key and empire-chain.pem are not found in this directory, self-signed certs will be generated.

  port: 1337
  cert_path: empire/server/data/
  • database - Configure Empire's database. Empire defaults to SQLite and has the ability to run with MySQL. For more info on the database, see the Database section.

SQLite - The location of the SQLite db file is configurable.

  use: sqlite
    location: empire/server/data/empire.db

MySQL - The url, username, password, and database name are all configurable.

  use: mysql
    url: localhost

The defaults block defines the properties that are initially loaded into the database when it is first created.

    # staging key will first look at OS environment variables, then here.
    # If empty, will be prompted (like Empire <3.7).
    staging-key: RANDOM
    username: empireadmin
    password: password123
    # The default configuration for global obfuscation.
      - language: powershell
        enabled: false
        command: "Token\\All\\1"
        module: "invoke-obfuscation"
        preobfuscatable: true
      - language: csharp
        enabled: false
        command: ""
        module: "confuser"
        preobfuscatable: false
    # an IP white list to ONLY accept clients from
    #   format is ",,"
    ip-whitelist: ""
    # an IP black list to reject accept clients from
    #   format is ",,"
    ip-blacklist: ""
    # Adds keywords that will be obfuscated in Empire. For example, anytime
    # Invoke-Empire or Invoke-Mimikatz is used in a module/stager, it will
    # be replaced with a random 5 character string.
      - Invoke-Empire
      - Invoke-Mimikatz
  • plugins - Auto runs plugins with defined settings. This tells Empire to run a set of commands with the plugin at server startup.

  # Auto-execute plugin with defined settings
    status: start
  • directories - Control where Empire should read and write specific data.

  downloads: empire/server/downloads/
  module_source: empire/server/data/module_source/
  obfuscated_module_source: empire/server/data/obfuscated_module_source/
  • logging - See Logging for more information on logging configuration.

  • submodules - Control if submodules wil be auto updated on startup.

  auto_update: true

Last updated

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