

The logging for the server is logged to the file empire/server/downloads/logs/empire_server.log and to the console. By default, the logging level is set to INFO. The client has its own logging to the file empire/client/downloads/logs/empire_server.log and by default is set to INFO.

Listener Logging

Listeners have their own logging configuration. All logs debug and above are written to the file empire/server/downloads/logs/listener_<listener_name>.log, and all logs warning and obove will go to the console.

If there is a log message that you also want sent to the server log and console, also log it to the module logger with log.info().

To use the listener logger for the http listener, you can use the following command: self.instance_log.info().


The default formatter for the console is the "simple format" that just contains the log level and message. The expanded logging format contains extra info such as a timestamp and the line of code that triggered the log. The expanded format is used in the server log file and can be enabled for the console logger using logging.simple_console


  level: INFO
  directory: empire/server/downloads/logs/
  simple_console: true
    enabled: false
    file: empire/server/data/last_task.txt

Log level for the root server log defaults to INFO. It can be changed by passing the --log-level flag to the server, which expects a string of one of the following values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. If no command line flag is passed, the config file is used.

The log directory can be changed by setting the logging.directory property in the config file.

simple_console changes the console logging format to just the log level and message, instead of the extended format.

debug.last_task will cause Empire to save the input of the last task that was run to a file.

Command Line Flags

--log-level <level> Sets the log level for the server.

--debug Sets the log level for the server to DEBUG.


In Empire 5 and beyond, if you want to print something to the console, you should almost always be using the logging module instead of a print statement.

Not all print statements have been removed from the code yet, simply because there was just a lot of code to convert. If you find a print statement that should be removed: either replace it with logging, remove it, or see if it should be returned via the api (such as in stager generation).

Possible future features (5.1 and beyond)

JSON Logging

Add support for logging in JSON format to make it easier to parse the logs and integrate with other tools, such as with structlog or python-json-logger.

Plugin logging

Give each plugin their own log file. With this, we could add endpoints to pull or tail the logs for a specific plugin. This could be useful for debugging and for the plugin executions that produce many lines of response for a single action to be viewed in Starkiller.

Last updated