

Starkiller is a Frontend for Powershell Empire. It is a web application written in VueJS. If you'd like to contribute please follow the Contribution guide. If you'd like to request a feature or report a bug, please follow the Issue template.

Getting Started

As of Empire 5.0 and Starkiller 2.0, you no longer need to install Starkiller or build it from source. It is prepackaged in Empire as a submodule and served via Empire's API.

Sponsorship and extra features

Sponsoring at the Individual level will give access to extra features. At the moment, the extra Starkiller sponsorship features include:


Graph View

Interactive agent shell

Process Browser

Modify Module Scripts

Enable/Disable modules

Proxy Management

There is also a collection of Empire plugins available via sponsorship.

Thanks to our sponsors the following features which started as sponsor features have been moved to the public and kali builds.

  • File browser

  • Popout windows

  • Chat widget

  • Bypass management

  • Malleable profile management

Build and run from source


  • Node.js 16+.

  • Yarn Currently it has been tested using Yarn 1.22.


Compile and hot-reload for development

yarn dev

Compile and minify for production

yarn build


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the changelog.

Last updated